Decorations and Such

After graduating college, I figured it was about time I did more decorating. My friends and family will testify that if there is wall space, I will find something to fill it with! I have been watching a lot of "Fixer Upper" lately and was inspired to make the table more presentable.

I must say, it has been lovely to have a table that can't get full of mail and whatnot because there is no room for it! The "thankful frog" tile that is on the wall was from the garden section in Hobby Lobby. My husband picked this one out :) We thought if the frog could be thankful for a little fly, we should be all the more thankful for 3 meals a day. The wreath was also from Hobby Lobby; I added some leaves to give it more texture and color.

I received this centerpiece inspiration from the Gaines family ("Fixer Upper"). They often put a Magnolia wreath in each of their house renovations. The leaves in this artificial plant reminded me of their wreaths, and it cost under $10! Again, I have Hobby Lobby to thank for this plant.

Fiesta Ware has always appealed to me, so when I saw twelve small Fiesta Ware plates at a rummage sale (for a great price) I snatched them up. I like to use these little plates for dessert, or in this case, for a nice table display! The brown/green plates I received as a present so I don't know where they are from. It will have to remain a mystery!

 These place mats are pretty much my favorite right now! They are braided and circular and very good quality. I found these at Crate and Barrel for $7 each...a great find if you ask me! The contrast between the dark wood on the table and the light wicker place mat looks warm and inviting.

The final touch: the napkin! It is hard to see the true color of these napkins with this not-so-great picture, but they are a very rich red. The embroidered leaves around the edges add a whimsical touch. When I was on the Grand Canyon trip in Arizona (see my post from May), we did a little shopping and were able to go to Anthropologie! Since it is such a charming store, I have to limit my spending because things can add up quickly!

And thus, my table decorating lecture is concluded. Also, don't be afraid to pick weeds (I chose dandelions) and put them in a decorative cup. Your guests will be amazed at your daring creativity :)

~Formally Inspired~ 


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