Beauty Everywhere

I recently traveled to the Grand Canyon with some of my family members. It was beautiful, intimidating, and majestic. 


We were able to go to the East Rim (pictured above) and also part of the West Rim (pictured below). Can you see the Colorado River running through the picture below? :) If you enjoy shuttle rides with people from all over the world, I would suggest taking the bus to the West Rim! Whether you are going by bus or on foot, be prepared to take your time. We only allowed one day at the canyon but if you have time to spare, it would be nice to allow a couple of days for hiking/sight-seeing.  

Another beautiful sight we saw in Arizona was the "Artot-Alard" Stradivarius violin at the Musical Instrument Museum (MIM). It looks like it could be any old violin, but after reading the history and the work that went into making this instrument, I really appreciate it's simple, intricate beauty.  

I love time away from home because it forces me to look at the world through a new lens. There was an artist painting at an outdoor art festival in AZ. No one is perfect; we are all "works in progress" and I think this picture is a good example of that. 

It is important to see beauty in everything, whether that be a priceless instrument or a drop of water. People are no exception to this. Take time to see how beautiful and unique God made each person you encounter whether it is someone you see every day, or a new face!

Goodbye for now,
~Formally Inspired~ 


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