Flower Surprise

Each person on this earth has a mother. Whether they have a good relationship with her or don't even know her, each of us should give credit to our mothers for choosing to bring us into this world. My Mom has sacrificed so much for her family and since she is away on a trip this week, I decided to plant a flower surprise for her! She has been quite busy (school prep, 8 puppies, etc.) and keeps putting this off. But no longer will her house be flower-less!!

I had to enlist the help of my younger brother. I was amazed at how willing he was to aid me! The plants we ended up purchasing were: Petunias (various kinds), Dusty Millers, Marigolds, Coleus, Cilantro, Basil, and something else that I cannot remember the name of!

My little brother picked out the Coleus plants. He has an eye for beautiful things!

Petunias are one of my Mom's favorite flowers. So naturally we had to buy 30 Petunias.....

Thirty individual Petunias :)
I am not that flower crazy!

The fruit of my labor was being able to take a lot of flower pictures. Some of my favorite photos ever have had flowers as the subject. Nature is a beautiful thing to photograph and I believe there is no need for editing.

All in all it took me around an hour to finish planting everything. The end result is something that I like. I hope my Mother will like it too. She will be getting a flower surprise!

Until next time,
~Formally Inspired~ 

P.S. I received a "butterfly surprise" shortly after I finished planting! 


  1. I love the flowers. I was so surprised and very blessed!


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