History Is Upon Us

Fort Abraham Lincoln is a North Dakota treasure. It is rich with history, has lovely campgrounds, and plenty of places to explore/things to do. People such as Lewis and Clark and Custer used to walk on the very ground that I walked on. How baffling is that? It is amazing to ponder who may have seen the same landscapes we can look at right now.

The picture above is a view from one of "gun windows" the infantry post buildings. That is what I will call it since it is a window, but soldiers would use it to kill their enemies. It looks down on a full patch of trees and the Missouri River.

One of these buildings appears to be in the middle of the prairie, and in the other, the Capitol of North Dakota stands in the background. I wonder what the view looked like from these infantry buildings 150 years ago...

This is an example of an earthlodge that the Mandan Indians lived in around 1575. I cannot imagine how much work went into each one of these lodges! Also, can you imagine sleeping on these floors? This is hardcore tenting right here.

This is a larger earthlodge...and my silly brother :) The Mandan people would have religious ceremonies here in their On-A-Slant Indian Village. The ND Parks and Rec website tells me that it was called On-A-Slant because it sloped towards the river. This village had about 75 earthlodges and 1000 people! If my calculator is correct, that is 13.3 people per earthlodge.

Thankfully, we were close to two rivers: Heart River and Missouri River. Since the Missouri can have crazy currents, we (meaning my husband and myself) decided to kayak along the Heart River. It was quite enchanting and was a perfect day for being out on the water. The pictures above are of the Heart River.

Little treasures could be found all throughout Fort Abraham Lincoln. Whether that be an ancient railroad track or random plants/berries that no on knows the name of.

(Celebrating my Mom's birthday whilst camping!)

(Our adorable little Vizsla puppy: Penny!)

No matter what treasures you encounter, always keep your family and friends close. There are some treasures that you cannot find through money, and some that you cannot even find on earth.

Buenas noches,
~Formally Inspired~


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